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Beware of the Wrong Help

The principal character in Joseph Heller’s famous World War II book, Catch 22, is Yossarian.  In it there is an apocryphal incident which illustrates the need to...

Tom Craig Tom Craig

FBUS Conference: a Delegate's View

Why family business needs a voice: “Family businesses generate a lot of income for the government but unlike the heads of big corporates we can’t just pick...

Tom Craig Tom Craig

A Powerful New Voice for Family Businesses

FBUS will give family businesses a powerful new voice Family Business Week in Scotland laid the foundations for a dynamic new movement led by Family Business United...

Tom Craig Tom Craig

FBUS Conference Celebrates Centuries of Family Busin...

Family businesses must unite to dispel myths and misunderstandings that eclipse important messages about the vital contribution they make to the economy and the innovative spirit that...

Ross McAdam Ross McAdam

Family Business United Scotland

Scotland’s family-owned firms will have a new opportunity to access expert advice on a wide range of business issues as a result of a strategic partnership between...

Ross McAdam Ross McAdam

Finding Cash in Difficult Times

Discussions around raising business finance often tend towards new sources of finance, bringing cash into the business from outside investors or lenders. Now more than ever, we...

Neil Grimmond Neil Grimmond

Opportunistic Acquisition

AFTER THE THRILL OF THE CHASE, THE HARD WORK BEGINS… It is often the case that there is a lull immediately after any corporate deal, whether it...

Paul Yacoubian Paul Yacoubian

A Refinancing Conundrum

Back in 2007, one client in the social housing sector had the misfortune to have had Northern Rock as its main finance provider. When Northern Rock hit...

Tom Craig Tom Craig

Property Refinancing

I recently worked with a client on the refinancing of their property portfolio. The portfolio encompassed both specially adapted and general residential accommodation, with a total of...

Neil Grimmond Neil Grimmond
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